How you rank
This ranking system is based on the historical guild systems, but adapted for historical fencing. The premise is a system which works as if it were part of a living tradition which has survived and been adapted for new additions over time. In this ranking system, a student may follow one specific style or tradition, for example wrestling or longsword, and can focus solely on that up until the rank of Journeyman, after which it is required that he or she broadens the focus. The terminology of ranks follows club culture and can have local adaptations, but we primarily use the medieval academic naming used by some guilds historically and the traditional guild nomenclature.
When ranking for Master Journeyman, students need to qualify for three weapon groups.
Weapons are grouped in the following way:
One handed weapons, e.g. sabre, messer, rapier
Two handed weapons, e.g. staff, longsword
Double weapons, e.g. sword & buckler, rapier & dagger, rapier and cloak
Unarmed and short weapons, e.g. dagger, wrestling
Mounted combat, e.g. with spear, in armour, equestrian arts
Armoured combat, e.g. with spear, sword, dagger, wrestling
Naming convention
Rank 1: Postulant, Novice, beginner, Adept
When you begin training you are a postulant. It usually lasts up to a year. You are expected to learn the basics and the underlying theories of your chosen system, be able to move freely and use your weapon with control.
Rank 2: Apprentice, Scholar, Lärling
Being an apprentice is proof that you have enough skills and knowledge to study the arts for real. You generally take the test to apprenticeship after 6-12 months as a Postulant, after which you will receive a Diploma and be signed into the Book of Apprentices.
Appr. 6 months
Basic knowledge of terminology
Basic skills
Red garter
Rank 3: Journeyman, Free scholar, Gesäll, gesell
The Journeyman is well-versed in the sources and an advanced student. You take the test after about 6 years as an Apprentice. During your time as a Journeyman you are expected to travel and train with other instructors. The test to become a Journeyman is extensive, after which you receive your Journeyman book (Wanderbüch), where the instructors you train with on your journeys write notes on what you’ve trained and how well you did.
Appr. 6 years of consistent studies
White garter
Rank 4: Master journeyman, Mästergesäll, Provost, magister
The Master Journeyman is the highest rank you can qualify for. You are required to have trained for 12 years, have at least two bronze merits and a total of 30 merit points. You must also have taken the Journeyman test for three weapon groups, although without the time restraints. You are expected to be an upstanding person and a good representative of the arts and a good representative of the dignity of the Letter of Master Journeyman.
Appr. 12 years of consistent studies
Journeyman in 3 weapons
Minimum 2 bronze merits and a total of 30 merit points.
Yellow garter
Honorary rank: ALten herren, alderman, Ålderman, Åltgesäll
The Alten Herren is an honorary title bestowed primarily on those who have been Master Journeymen for a long time and stepped down from active training due to age, and/or those who have merited themselves beyond the already high standards of the Master Journeyman.
Not applicable
Yellow garter with red stripe or red tassel
Tests and prize plays
For each rank you are expected to prove your skill, knowledge and qualities.

Rank 2
The Apprentice test is comprised of technical tests, a theoretical test and a cutting test, if applicable. You are required to know the theoretical basics, be able to move naturally with your chosen weapon, be able to perform basic techniques, spar with control and perform basic cutting/thrusting exercises if you are testing for a cutting/thrusting weapon. Perfection is not required, but basic competence.
The student presents the test in front of one or more instructors, preferably the person with the highest ranking is one of the examiners. The student enters with a training partner and greets each other with the grand salute, then the small salute towards the examinators, audience, and pictures of the masters (if present) with a small salute in one sequence. At the start of any paired techniques, the student and partner uses the small salute. At the end of the examination, the student salutes the partner with the grand salute and then the examinators, audience and portraits with the small salute.
Theoretical test
The student is asked a series of questions regarding terminology and may be asked to demonstrate them with a partner. The instructors will almost always interact, help, guide and correct the students.
Technique tests
The student is asked to do a series of drills with the partner. These drills usually comprise of flow drills, displays of specific techniques in the selected system, as well as a presentation of favourite techniques and variations. The student is usually also asked about problems and how he/she would approach them, for example various ways of entering into distance, how to handle aggressive/defensive opponents, long distance, short distance, wrestling – depending on the system. These approaches are also to be demonstrated.
Slow sparring with partner. The sparring is evaluated on control, variety, form and application of technique and tactics.
Cutting test (when applicable)
No cut may enter an old cut, and no cuts may hit the stand, floor or peg. All cuts must be clean without tatami mat flying off, all angles must be clean and without curvature.
Matt 1
Two cuts from above and two from below, and a horisontal cut.
Matt 2-3
All applicable cuts within the system. Each matt is cut with 5 cuts.
Rank 3
You are required to know the sources, have a good understanding of fencing history, perform techniques impeccably, apply techniques in full contact opposition, have understanding of fencing theories, be able to think martially and tactically, be an upstanding person, hold the Guild in respect and have trained at least for six years.
Passing the defences
The passing of the defence means that six instructors attack the student consecutively with three gange of four or six cuts or thrusts while the apprentice stands within a square one meter in size. If two of them can hit the student with 2 clean hits, the student has failed the test.
For wrestling, the test consists of instructors getting 30 seconds each to perform a take-down.
Prize play
A prize play can vary in execution, but it generally consists of facing a large number of bouts of opponents at the Journeyman level, and being judged on defence, offence, style, technique, body mechanics, footwork, adaptation and variation. A standard prize play is going 100 bouts to the first hit or six gaenge.
Technical exhibition
The student is asked to perform a series of previously decided techniques together with a training partner. The student may also be asked to perform variations of the techniques, explain them, or perform additional techniques. The techniques are to be displayed with a high level of energy and competence, in balance, usually in sequence.
The student is asked questions about social life, ethical questions. He or she is also told what is expected in terms of behaviour.
Cutting test
Matt 1-2
All applicable cuts within the system
Matt 3
One cut from above on two double matts standing next to each other.
Matt 4
Two chosen cuts on one matt from each direction
The student is asked to pay a fee covering expenses and also to purchase a pair of gloves for his/her instructor. This is a traditional gift. The student may also be asked to pay for: Wanderbuch, journeyman letter, garter, prize for an upcoming tournament, beer for a feast. The money and the gloves should hang on the wall of the hall, and may not be taken down before the tournament.
Rank 4
A Journeyman who wishes to become a Master Journeyman must qualify as Journeyman in three weapon groups and must have trained for 12 years. It is possible to qualify for each weapon on separate occasions. Every additional weapon qualifies for a black stripe on (each) garter, up until the test is taken and the Master Journeyman garter is available. Black stripes are then used on the Master Journeyman garter for those who qualify for more weapon groups than three. A red stripe on yellow garter is the symbol of the Alderman.